Human Design Readings

Your Human Design tells the story of who you naturally are—how your energy/aura works, how you best make decisions, your natural strengths, your signposts of when you’re on the right track or not, your ideal environment and eating style, and so much more.

What does your Human Design say about you? What stories are built into your specific BodyGraph? Let’s find out!

Just what is Human Design?

At the moment you were born, a stream of particles encoded a blueprint of your human contract for this life based on the date, time, place, and body you were born into. This blueprint contains the truth of how you naturally are in the world… from how your particular aura operates, to your most powerful strengths and talents, from your day-to-day traits to your life purpose, and so much more (the stars are the limit).

It’s all encoded into your Human Design, and it’s in your Human Design birth chart that you can start to fully unlock your maximum potential, trust your body’s wisdom, and live your life with more ease, flow, and alignment.

Called the Science of Differentiation, Human Design is a multi-layered approach to personal development and understanding that incorporates both hard science and metaphysical sciences, such as the Chakra system, Astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah, biochemistry, and quantum physics, to create your Human Design chart–otherwise known as a BodyGraph–based on the exact time and place you were born.

As you break free of conditioning from family and society and return to the core of how you naturally operate in the world, you become a more realized and differentiated You. Because you are unique. And it’s all laid out in your Human Design BodyGraph.

And it’d be my honor to help you unlock your next level of potential by introducing you to your Human Design BodyGraph so you can start to tap into your body’s natural wisdom and work with your aura and energy type to make life flow much easier for you.

As an adult, especially one who feels stuck, misunderstood, or like they can’t be themselves, an awareness of your unique Human Design can be an invaluable tool and experiment to help you reconnect with your inner self so you can live more fully as yourself every day, with less resistance and more ease. So you can live trusting yourself more, knowing exactly how you tick and how you best make aligned decisions.

Human Design is also invaluable as a parent wanting to understand your children’s designs so you can allow them to be truly themselves while engaging with them in ways that support their natural ways of being as opposed to forcing them to live outside of their design, and therefore out of alignment with who they naturally are.

Once you learn your energy type (aura), strategy (how you best interact with the world), and authority (your body’s natural decision-maker), you can start the experiment and see how life naturally lines up for you—and even activate deeper aspects of your Human Design, bringing you ever closer to your divine purpose in this life.

Ready to dive into your Human Design to find more ease, fulfillment, joy, success, peace, or satisfaction in your life?

Human design blueprint template

The basic Human Design blueprint—or the bodygraph.

The shapes are energy centers, most of them based on chakra centers. The lines connecting the centers are called channels, composed of gates (depicted by numbers within the centers). Two connected gates create a channel. Gates represent personality traits, and channels represent strengths or talents.

Each person on earth has a unique Human Design blueprint that can help them return to their truest, more natural ways of being—based on what is defined (or colored in), or not, within their chart.

Your custom 10+ page Human Design booklet will show you…

~ Actionable analysis of foundational aspects of your chart and how they work together:
your energy type, strategy, signature + not-self theme, and authority

~ How your profile shapes your personality and what all your defined/undefined centers mean

~What natural strengths you have highlighted in your defined channels, whether conscious or not,
as well as your “super sense”

~ Suggestions on how to live optimally through your design environment,
sleep & routines, food & nourishment, and how your mind & body are most prone to operating
(this information in particular requires an exact birth time)

Investment: $133

“It’s like a book for my soul!” – Manifestor client

Order Your Booklet Today!

Remember to send your birthdate, exact birth time, and birth location to
to get your personalized HD booklet on the books!

The estimated delivery time is one week.

Let’s use my own chart as an example…

My energy type is that of a projector. This is based on the fact that my sacral center is not defined (the second square from the bottom) and I don’t have a motor center connected to my throat center (the brown square).

Projectors are a newer energy type that emerged in the late 1700s, and we make up a little more than 20% of the world’s population. Projectors are meant to help guide the rest of the types into a new way of being since we are known as the “guides” of the energy types. We have a conic, probing aura that sees into another so clearly and thoroughly that we can master systems and people very easily, so we can offer a way to make things better based on our particular strengths and interests. We naturally see a better way of being.

Without a sacral motor, projectors are known as non-energy types, so we don’t have consistent access to life-force energy. So, we tend to work best with 3-4 hours of output per day since we are highly efficient and don’t have the energy to keep up with the 9-5 grind. Instead, we bring about a new way of listening to our energy to optimize our flow, and to let the world know that it’s OKAY to rest. Rest is super important for projectors who have been brought up to behave like generators and manifesting generators (other energy types the present world was constructed for).

However, I do have a motor defined in my chart—the heart/ego center, or the small red triangle, so I’m what’s known as an energy projector, so I do have some natural energy within, particularly willpower and inner motivation, that I can work with. However, overall, projectors are often prone to burnout because they are trying to keep up with the rest of the world—when we really don’t need to.

As a projector, my strategy is to wait for the invitation. This is not a passive waiting—I’m meant to learn what feels exciting to me, to hone my craft, to recognize what I have to offer, and then say yes/no to the invitations that come to me by making myself and what I do visible to the rest of the world. It’s important for me to wait for the invitation for opportunities involving other people since my aura is so probing, and if I don’t wait, I could come across as an insufferable know-it-all by offering my advice or suggestions to someone who didn’t ask for them (Hermione, anyone?). This is especially important for big decisions in my life, such as who I marry/partner up with, where I work, where I live, etc. When I work with my strategy, I feel my signature feeling of success (recognition and accomplishment) when I’m aligned. When I’m off track and working against my strategy, I fall into my not-self theme of bitterness.

Now, onto the last foundational aspect of my chart… My authority, or my body’s natural wisdom and built-in decision-maker, comes from my spleen center (the brown sideways triangle on the left), making me a splenic authority. With my spleen as my authority, I get quiet nudges in the moment if something is correct for me or not. The splenic authority relies on instinct and feeling whether something is for me or not, healthy or not, etc. It’s one of the couple authorities that gets its truth in the NOW, so I have to be present to listen to its nudges. Once I have enough information, I can make instantaneous decisions with this authority, so it is important that I try not to rationalize my intuitive instincts away, or else it may be hard to listen for the next nudge. Part of my journey is learning to trust my inner knowing within the present moment… and rolling with it.

And since my spleen center is connected to my throat center through a black line (a channel), I have a unique ability to voice my instincts and inner knowing in the moment. When I do this, I become a channel for wisdom, and often I can’t remember what I’ve just said (so I hope you remember!). So, this channel is a huge strength for me since it’s one of two channels that I have; the other connects my G/Identity Center (the yellow diamond) to my heart/ego center (the small red triangle), and that strength involves shocking the world into a new reality with my unique individuality.

With my energy type, strategy, and authority, I can begin to experiment with aligning with my energy type, trusting my natural decision-maker, and waiting for the invitation strategy to allow my energy to work as it naturally does… To find more alignment, flow, and ease in the world and the opportunities that find me.

If you feel inspired and want to get to know yourself better on a deeper level and start your own human design experiment to incorporate behaviors that support your energy type and natural blueprint—so you can really become aware of and embrace your natural gifts, strengths, and vulnerabilities—order your personalized Human Design booklet today!

Human Design is a multi-layered approach to understanding yourself (or someone else) better,
so this example just barely scratches the surface.

In your booklet, I cover these foundational elements as I’ve done with my own chart, and we dive into further aspects, such as your strengths (channels) or traits (gates), profile (how you’re meant to go through life), determination (or digestion of information and how you best eat), the environment that best supports your energy, and so much more.

This can be a helpful resource for really anyone!

I particularly love helping parents understand their children’s energy type to make way for more co-creative parenting that works with your child’s design as opposed to against it (which can be problematic down the line).

I also love working with people who feel like they are stuck, struggling, or trying to figure out how find a better flow in their life, to make life work in their favor more rather than pushing against the currents at every turn. Often working against our blueprint can present roadblocks and resistance.

Having the awareness alone is invaluable. Having practical tools and know-how in your pocket to help you work with your design instead of against it?

Even better.

Your custom 10+ page Human Design booklet will show you…

~ Actionable analysis of foundational aspects of your chart and how they work together:
your energy type, strategy, signature + not-self theme, and authority

~ How your profile shapes your personality and what all your defined/undefined centers mean

~What natural strengths you have highlighted in your defined channels, whether conscious or not,
as well as your “super sense”

~ Suggestions on how to live optimally through your design environment,
sleep & routines, food & nourishment, and how your mind & body are most prone to operating
(this information in particular requires an exact birth time)

Investment: $133

Just the foundational pieces, please!

To get a basic breakdown of key pieces of your design for a super reasonable price,
I’m also happy to help with that if you’re on a tighter budget.

I do want this information to be accessible for your personal development and success—while respecting my own energy, of course!

In a brief breakdown of your chart, much like I’ve done with my own above,
I will explain how to maximize your energy type, strategy, and authority—
which is the foundation for everything else falling into place for you!

I’ll also include a personal message of what I see in your chart that would help you find more ease and flow.

Foundational HD Reading Investment: $33

I look forward to helping you uncover your human design so you can finally have that permission slip to be yourself—all of your unique self.

Why book a human design reading with me?

I have many reasons for this, but here’s my main one: I’m obsessed with Human Design, and I’m obsessed with showing people who they naturally are so they can BE who they naturally are with more confidence. That’s what I’m here for.

If you want more of a background on my know-how with human design, let’s begin:

First, I learned about human design in 2015 and began seriously studying in 2016. And from there, I fell into the rabbit hole. I got the “bible” of human design, I followed the human design experts that I connected with on social media and YouTube, I read up on everything I could get my fingers on online, and quietly, I began experimenting and incorporating my own design into my daily life—which is half of the learning about human design in all honesty, seeing how everything fits together and seeing how things unfold more naturally when you are working in alignment with your design.

From there, I couldn’t stop seeing human design in the people I know. I couldn’t help but notice my partner’s emotional wave, the unique aura of the manifestors I met, guessing what profile lines or defined/undefined centers someone might have… and I began intuiting what other people’s charts might read before their charts were even drawn up. As I learned more and more of human design, I could use it to explain the people around me and offer them help as I saw it was applicable for them. I’ve been doing this for the last four years, just been pulling up friends’ charts as I explain how excited I am about this methodology of understanding how truly unique we all are.

Eventually, my friends and family started saying, “You need to be doing this. It feels like you’re called to do this.

As a projector, I saw that as an invitation—so here I am! Offering professional human design readings, where I pull up your chart based on your exact birth time and place, and offer both written analyses and verbal sessions to help you understand yourself better… To help you unleash your whole self as you discover more. Helping people to understand their story, how their aura works, and how they can move through life with more grace and ease along with the special way they make decisions? Love it all!

Not only that, but I continue to LOVE learning about human design. As I’ve said before, human design is a multi-layered science, with so many degrees and aspects that could be interpreted in your birth chart. There’s a lot.

That being said, there are foundational elements that everyone can immediately start to use in their lives for more ease, alignment, and flow. From there, there are more elements that can be helpful so you can support your energy even better. You can keep diving and diving, learning and learning, so I love that I can continue to learn as I continue to read different people’s charts. The exploration of this system fascinates me to no end, and I love being able to say I learned something new from a chart or from another human design coach/reader that I can then talk about with people.

It’s a constant exploration—I’m not going to pretend I know everything.

I know a lot, to be sure, certainly enough to inform people about their different design aspects to a really impactful degree (or so I’m told). I will always be learning more to enrich my readings and human design knowledge.

For me in particular, as a human design reader, I love seeing how the energy centers work and communicate with each other through channels and gates. I love diving into how the centers process energy for each unique individual, and uncovering if there’s any possible conditioning there that might need to be brought awareness to (in order to decondition and breakthrough). I also love seeing how the different energy types work together in relationships and how the different energy centers can impact someone else’s energy centers. It’s all fascinating!

I also consider myself an intuitive reader, so out of nowhere I might just start riffing on what I see in people’s charts, whether written or spoken. So you may get other nuggets and gems just from my intuitive knowing (which is my core strength outlined in my chart) combined with my human design know-how… It’s like a double whammy channeled message just for you based on your design and what I personally, intuitively feel from you.

It’s wonderful to be able to tune into each different aspect and tell you how to optimize that energy for yourself. To embrace more of yourself. To know that you don’t have to fit into any sort of box that society or your family expects of you.

Because you are a wholly unique individual in this world. You’re not meant to be like anyone else. Just you.

And I want to help you discover how unique you are. To help you find that inner permission slip that can come from the personal awareness and growth that can come from knowing your personal human design. To fully step into a more fully embodied version of yourself. To understand more of your story and how you can better align your story with future opportunities and relationships through knowing your design.

That’s what brings me joy. And it’d be my honor to help you. <3

Your custom 10+ page Human Design booklet will show you…

~ Actionable analysis of foundational aspects of your chart and how they work together:
your energy type, strategy, signature + not-self theme, and authority

~ How your profile shapes your personality and what all your defined/undefined centers mean

~What natural strengths you have highlighted in your defined channels, whether conscious or not,
as well as your “super sense”

~ Suggestions on how to live optimally through your design environment,
sleep & routines, food & nourishment, and how your mind & body are most prone to operating
(this information in particular requires an exact birth time)

Investment: $133